Exactly, people nowadays don't offer help in anything, and this is the reason for the decline of humanity. There should be civility in interactions, compassion, and a lack of cruelty, but we only see this in movies and stories.
If it is late at night, I will pull over and ask if they need help. Usually it is someone that needs to change their tire but doesnt know how to do it.
Yes, it is true, and there are cases when a person is afraid of this person who needs help
Or the person you are trying to help is a bit afraid.
There are many cases of lack of help, but we criticize people who are able to help but do not provide it
True. Everyone has their own life to live, and their own problems. Helping is never mandatory, it is based on how you feel at the moment. Humanity has great acts of kindness at times, and other times not so much.
Yes, it is true. It depends on the person’s mood as well, but it is a beautiful thing that we cooperate with each other and there are no differences and we understand each other. Life will be smoother and more beautiful.