I want to learn to code not to start a new career, but to have those skills and use them to improve my life. I always imagined I could automate certain aspects of my life in a way consumer products cannot.
I can code, but learning to do so seems to have destroyed my creative ideation capabilities.
Maybe we should collab.
I happily collaborate with other people. tell me about what you do :)
i'm a dev @ my day job, and i'm also a subversive art enthusiast.
rather soon i hope to be out of a day job and in to some subversive digital art work.
gonna see about getting a good buddy in miami to visit your brunch, i'll ask him to be my honorary intermediary and we can get coordinated with a collab if you're into it.
that sounds great to me. I look forward to meeting your good buddy. I put on brunch every Sunday :)
That is a cool idea! There are parts of this guide that should help with that as well.
I read most of it and did appreciate it