it's really cool indeed, but is the content delete / editable?
why not login with LN and integrate with Ghost blog? Hosting your own blog is already pretty easy these days, the hard part is how to keep the value flowing without selling your soul / I don't really see how this Nostr based blog making creators' life easier yet.
174 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b OP 4 Jul
but is the content delete / editable
You might be able to tell it to not show something.
I don't really see how this Nostr based blog making creators' life easier yet.
I think it might help creators show all the varied kinds of nostr events in one place. Rather than a twitter widget and youtube widget and a comment widget, it's all just nostr events that can be reskinned however you want. And if you trust your relays or use enough of them, you don't have to host the events yourself.
117 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 4 Jul
You might be able to tell it to not show something.
but the idea of blog is having your own digital home where you can have FULL control?
I think it might help creators show all the varied kinds of nostr events in one place. Rather than a twitter widget and youtube widget and a comment widget, it's all just nostr events that can be reskinned however you want. And if you trust your relays or use enough of them, you don't have to host the events yourself.
I like SN's model more: not only much simpler but also focuses on solving the main problem: value flowing. 👀
144 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b OP 4 Jul
but the idea of blog is having your own digital home where you can have FULL control?
That's a great point, but I suspect not all people use blogs that way. Some people probably just want a showcase of their online life where they can control how it's presented.
Exactly. And your content can't be censored. No more domain slavery.