Nice read. Quite impressive how short it took for you to learn to code and contribute to so many interesting projects ⚡️
I have been using all the no-code tools for the past few years, and def tempting to get my feet wet to explore more fun.
Thanks! And don't be intimidated by code - you can do it!
Thanks! And looking forward to hearing more blog posts from you 🤓️
Awesome, let me know how it goes! :)
I'm going to try to do 1 blog post a month so stay tuned.. 😃
Fun fact, I learned how to integrate my blog with lightning within 10 mins from your post, while I was looking around how to implement with Metamask/ NFT things for a few months and I was not able to find anything simple 😂
that is so awesome to hear!! what is your blog? I will check it out :)
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cool! subscribed, donated and followed, keep up the great work!
I tried sending some sats on the page, but the payment fails :(
I was able to send her more sats, so the widget it working - it must be that the lightning wallet you are sending from has no route to the destination node.