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After I tried using Bisq, Robosats, LNp2p Telegram bot, etc... (see #596052 for reference), I realized that it is nearly pointless to use these services here, as there are simply no BTC/KRW trades.
I then quite accidentally stumbled on two local Korean services that will probably solve this problem:
  • A Telegram group called 비트코인 P2P 장터 (모든 책임은 거래 당사자에 한함) which translates to Bitcoin P2P marketplace (all responsibility is limited to the transaction party). It's by invitation, so let me know if you need an invite. This only makes sense if you're in Korea... the trades are BTC/KRW and the fiat transactions are mostly done using local banking services.
  • The website https://lnp2p.site/ (unrelated, asfaik, from the LNp2p Telegram mentioned above). I was told they might migrate to Telegram too. You need a Toss bank account which is only available inside the country (translated from the website: "LNp2p uses Toss Banking's anonymous remittance service to ensure user anonymity. If you do not have a Toss Banking account, you cannot use it, so please prepare a Toss Banking account first.")
Both seem to prefer the BTC transactions to happen over Lightning.
This will probably not interest the majority of people here, but I've seen a few people mention their Korean heritage here, so maybe it'll help them enter the Korean p2p scene, if they haven't already.
Nice one. Koreans you have your chance.
Great, you have p2p there. It's kind of very difficult in india to ind one decentralised p2p platform.
Could you please suggest one for us, for India?
Did you check bisq and bisq 2? I remember seeing two rupee/btc trades there yesterday... Make sure the sellers have good reputation so you don't get scammed
Did you check the tool promoted in #598054?
It aggregates offers from all main platforms.
What measures do people take to reduce scams? Also, what can one do to reduce the premium?
no idea whether this will suit you, but Azteco vouchers are available in South Korea - https://azte.co/
dunno if you are ok with the premium, or the method of purchase, but both On Chain and LN vouchers can be obtained (up to max 1k USD equivalent) -
some methods are more discreet than others - where i live, for example, i can buy in a store, like a mobile top up, with cash - but i'm not sure how it is in your part of the world.
This looks pretty cool. I quickly checked, seems like they always charge 10% commission... is that common in your part of the world too?
yes, in my experience 10% - where i am that's less than ATM's, and more discreet, at least in areas like mine that offer the physical voucher at a store for cash.
Got it.
Here, it's adding another 5% service fee only for the payment part. I'll keep this approach in mind if the other options outlined here do not work out. Korea seems to only have the online option.
It's quite amazing to see how much services like Azteco or simply ATMs can charge as middlemen to provide people with the basic ability to buy Bitcoin...
Still so much to be learned about p2p sats.
The more exchange hacks and violent muggings will surely have to encourage more p2p use.
no kim-chi premium