I understand that they need the money to balance the state budget, but if they understood more about the crypto sector they might never have thought of putting all those BTC on the market. If I'm not mistaken, they own over 44K of them. However in the traditional exchange no institutional body would act like Germany, it would be illegal and considered market manipulation. Instead it seems that in the crypto market anything is possible... maybe.😉
Balance the budget, best joke of the day!
Why would I care? Fuck them, this is good for bitcoiners. MORE SATS FOR ME https://m.stacker.news/38535
What I feel is that they have actually manipulated the market. Germany knew that if a sentiment grew in the market, the prices would crash. That happened and they got it much cheaper! It was a bluff played by them!
Germany playing as the daytrading degen haha
There is ongoing dialogue and coordination among countries and international organizations to address cross-border regulatory challenges related to cryptocurrencies
On and offramps alongisde chain analysis give them most of the tools they need.