Amazing! But because you said Indian Matchmaking got it wrong, I want to submit my revolt. In India, or more specifically in Hindus and Muslims living here, the majority of marriages are arranged. The parents decide who you're going to marry. In most (above 90%) of the cases, these marriages are successful. Traditionally, Hindus respect marriage as an act of God and don't think of outward appearance too much.
I've an uncle who is highly educated and wealthy too but he was married at an young age to a woman who is short, not fair in colour, not educated, not so beautiful (as I can see), yet they have had 5 kids and I've always viewed them as an ideal couple for their relationship has been flawless.
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Thanks for the cultural insights! I should have made myself clearer. I was referring to the Netflix show “Indian Matchmaking” rather than the ancient institution of matchmaking