AFAIK, when making a payment over the LN, the payment path is disclosed. This means that the sender's node and the recipient's node are connected, making it possible to trace the transaction.
i second this recommendation. zeus embedded node, open channel to olympus LSP ( its all handheld via the app). that is about as good as it gets rn for users that are not gonna run their own node.
I am planning on writing a follow up on the Ark Protocol as well, looks promising...
Still, being tech savvy and transacting with privacy is not difficult, I am looking for answers for non tech savvy to do so in a safe manner, liquid is easy as pie, but doesn't feel safe, therefore I would not recommend it, LN is too complicated for non tech people. The irony, after so many years and we are still so early...
It is an interesting option, but, AFAIU, it uses Liquid side chain, centralized and federated, additionally, transactions still generate metadata, such as transaction size, fees, and timestamps about the transaction. While this metadata is less sensitive than the transaction details themselves, it can still be used by chain analysis corps and organized crime conglomerates (plenty of resources) to gather information about the transaction, clearly more private than without it,better than nothing but not a silver bullet.
A federated sidechain network, I am very uncomfortable with Liquid, is basically a corporate centralized owned L2, will never use it. Not planning to trust my funds to "middle men". Thanks for sharing though, appreciate it