Here's a little insight into the intellectual state of the average eurozone voter who, despite all experience, still lets themselves be bought cheaply by politicians: the choice was simply who offers the bigger deficit, who promises the more expensive social gifts, more socialism and more state control. Socialism has its roots in Europe for a reason.
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Let it be. It's pretty much like bitcoin:
  • If they buy it, it's best for us
  • If they sell it, it's best for us
  • If they keep it, it's best for us
  • If they lose it, it's best for us
They want socialism? Be my guest. They don't want it? Be my guest.
the most important issue was immigration
National Rally wants to close the border
Macron wants more Islam the New Popular Front wants more Islam
Immigration is not the issue in itself. People is playing by the rules and you can't blame them for dancing while the music is playing. The sole problem is and can be discretional law, welfare laws, that is, any state induced imbalance. As always.
Too many immigrants in France don't work and live on welfare.
Most criminals and prisoners are immigrants or children of immigrants.
A couple years ago I saw a statistic: 8 percent of France is Muslim, 50 percent of French convicts are Muslim
I'm sure both numbers are higher today
They don't have to and I didn't say they where. I said it was (and it is) an important factor. But the other factor is discretional law. If immigrants are treated with preferential laws, there is your problem. In general, any inequality against the law is the problem, with or without immigrants.
None of the left wing rioters have been arrested or punished for their actions
there is no rule of law
Exactly, that's my point. That's one example of the many discretional laws at play that are responsible for the decline. You can not blame the people itself if they play by the rules. They are despicable, of course, but not responsible. The law says they are not. The law is the problem.
sometimes there is a point of no return
these are always the late stages of a civilization in decline. the process is unstoppable, the decisions of the populus suicidal.
Obviously,like in UK, people can't wait to introduce some lovely sharia laws...
it was once such a beautiful country....
It still is and will remain so. Now it comes a period that will be painful, for sure. What's happening is by all means a shameful dishonour to one of the nations that's largely responsible for all of what the western civilization can boast of today. It's a forgettable stain and a massive waste of time and resources. But it will not take too long for it to reverse. What's important is to prevent the cycle to repeat.
another Revolution, another Reign of Terror?
They won't reach that extreme. That's one of the blessings of capitalism. Everything will follow a natural course just like it did in Argentina. If WE did it, I expect a radical quick reversal for France. Why I'm saying this, if we have examples like Cuba and Venezuela? There's but one key factor: is the military in line with the radical move? If yes, you have Cuba and Venezuela. If not, you have Argentina.
What's great about the French elections is it shows how the system is spiraling out of control. To stop the bogeymen, they enabled genuine lunatics. The so-called new left wants to open the country to Africa and send "peace keepers" to Ukraine paid for with wealth confiscation.
None of this can be allowed to happen, but it means the regime now has a new problem to solve. This will bring France closer to collapse as even if they can prevent the lunatics from pulling the roof down, the cost of doing so will bankrupt the country.
This is the result of the managerial elite across the West defining itself in opposition to the normal decent people of their respective society. The booshie midwits in Paris would rather see nutjobs with hammers smashing up the place than normal French people defending their way of life.
Macron threatened to suspend Parliament if RN won a majority
In order to keep their chaotic state together, the French will initiate extreme social programs and run high deficits. This will motivate all other eurozone member states to do the same. There is a lot of work ahead for the ECB printer. This is the real stress test for the eurozone, which is now facing a major new test.
More immigration More Islam ☪️ More terror and violence More socialism
Election interference via collusion
The only good thing I can take from the elections in France is the fact that the bourgeois right can now sit back and watch the left destroy itself and the country economically. What is left of France in 2027 is likely to be taken over by conservative forces.
My friend said this:
This is good news. The "center-left" will band together, continue to allow more immigration and Islam, and the right will grow angrier and angrier and bigger and bigger.
And the economic desaster now will be written on the balance of the commies