the most important issue was immigration
National Rally wants to close the border
Macron wants more Islam the New Popular Front wants more Islam
this territory is moderated
Immigration is not the issue in itself. People is playing by the rules and you can't blame them for dancing while the music is playing. The sole problem is and can be discretional law, welfare laws, that is, any state induced imbalance. As always.
Too many immigrants in France don't work and live on welfare.
Most criminals and prisoners are immigrants or children of immigrants.
A couple years ago I saw a statistic: 8 percent of France is Muslim, 50 percent of French convicts are Muslim
I'm sure both numbers are higher today
They don't have to and I didn't say they where. I said it was (and it is) an important factor. But the other factor is discretional law. If immigrants are treated with preferential laws, there is your problem. In general, any inequality against the law is the problem, with or without immigrants.
None of the left wing rioters have been arrested or punished for their actions
there is no rule of law
Exactly, that's my point. That's one example of the many discretional laws at play that are responsible for the decline. You can not blame the people itself if they play by the rules. They are despicable, of course, but not responsible. The law says they are not. The law is the problem.
sometimes there is a point of no return
For a period? yes. Forever? impossible. And that's important to note because then we can underscore what's lost that's important: time. They are about to lose a lot of time, and that's all we have. That's the tragedy. They will be back on track on a future, of course, but good decisions are not measured by how long it will take to stop making damage.
these are always the late stages of a civilization in decline. the process is unstoppable, the decisions of the populus suicidal.
Obviously,like in UK, people can't wait to introduce some lovely sharia laws...