If Russia doesn't want to be surrounded by hostile neighbors all it needs to do is stop invading their neighbors... The hostility is entirely their own doing. And completely justified. Ukraine is just one of a long list of countries Russia has invaded.
this territory is moderated
So Russia has nothing to fear from NATO and the US? Why would they believe that? I don't think you are right because we know the US/NATO start wars and pressure governments all over the place. It just seems like you are being rather one sided in your observations.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Russia only has to fear them because Russia wants to invade their neighbors with impunity. NATO certainly isn't going to invade Russia without Russia giving them a damn good reason.
Hell, Putin reportedly asked about joining NATO back in 2000 or so.
Yeah... remember when the US and Russia were getting along (Bush era I think)?
The war department is now called the defense department. Don't let the propaganda control your thinking. Whatever it is called its military with weapons of war. Defense can quickly become offense.
Best defense is a good offense sometimes
This is not a call for an offensive