The US was never fighting total war against any of it's enemies (at least, since WW2). US citizens just aren't that responsible for the small things the US government has done, as not many tax dollars actually go to any of it.
A double digit % of the entire Russian GDP is going to invading Ukraine. Every working Russian is personally responsible in a significant way to this war. No different than WW2 Germany or Japan.
If Russians want to have a country, the onus is on them to revolt against their government. They don't, because the average Russian supports what their government is doing.
Hell, even the anti-Putin Navalny did not campaign against the invasion of Ukraine. Quite the opposite: his supporters were busy undercovering military corruption that was preventing the war from being won faster.
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I think I understand your position. I am not comfortable reading the minds and intentions of plebs on the other side of the globe that were indoctrinated for generations to hate America just as I was to hate Russia.