Public vs Public

It is a mistake to assume what the word “public” means; there are in fact two definitions.
  1. Common law Public: Open to everyone equally, common knowledge to all, common land with freedom and rights intact. The opposite of private.
  2. State Public: Entering into a private corporation, under maritime law. Property rights and freedom lost. Under private contract control, yet with a loss in privacy.
Because the people behind government require your consent to act upon you, and fully realise they cannot do anything to you on common land, as this would be unlawful, they need to pull you back into the private to impose their regulations.
In short, you leave the safety of your own private dominion; you enter into the common law definition of the public, and then are tricked into entering into a pseudo-public, which is another private jurisdiction, under the control of someone else.
Entering into the “common land public”, is going public, entering into “state public”, is becoming public.
You have entered into the jurisdiction of the state.
In addition to this (very good pill) I will add a distinction between types of "common law":
  1. common law : a law common to all, lex loci aka law of the place, oral tradition based on customs, morals & ethics
  2. Common Law : or British common law, not always friend of the people, plenty of atrocities committed under it, sometimes case law based on previous precedents
  3. The Common Law : a codified version of common law, often found in acts of parliament and constitutions, serving as alibi, give citizens subjects an impression of common law; sometimes criminal matters in civil law jurisdiction will be subject to The Common Law, due to lack of statutes and/or their regulations.
I know that many times we do not pay attention to how we write words, but in case you want to specify clearly which common law, is good to know these details.
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Entering the Public World

That's informative.