Wish there was a "report" button to alert the admin, if messages contain any offensive contents
Personal blocks all day long, but I believe heavy handed content moderation has been one of the most destructive forces to social cohesion. It allows people to stay in safe spaces, so alternative views result in complete tribal/fear-based meltdown.
I think SN wants to stay away from censoring.
Upvote the content you want to see more of and that alone by multiple people will result in the rest sitting at the bottom.
I wouldn't mind having a way to block / ignore certain users though so I don't see a polluted feed.
We will eventually give you the ability to mute people. I’d rather you self-moderate than let me decide for you.
This offender I suspect you are referring to, he seems nice. 🤣🤣
Everyone here seems nice 😍, but we can’t predict the future 😁