Just a guess, but the attack is probably something like the coordinator doing lots of useless rounds to slowly drain user funds to coordinator fees.
A good defense for this type of problem in general would be to set a limit on how much Wasabi is willing to spend in fees for coinjoins over a given time period. Eg no more than 0.5% of your wallet value per day.
It would also be useful to be able to tell Wasabi to do no more than N coinjoins in this session, and then stop so the user can look at what is happening.
I don't think this is connected, but also wasabi had something weird going on with their windows release on github:
scary stuff
Again... Darth was right: use "Lightning cleaning machine" or ISM (Infrastructure Spending machine)
Wassabi is attacked on a daily basis and I don't know if wassabi have the power to defend them.
The more valuable bitcoin is, the more people will try to rug you.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.