Doing coinjoins in step 2 is simpler and more private. When you do onchain vs LN swap, swap provider can correlate onchain TXO with LN node pubkey. Which means you need to do more than one LN wallet, adding extra hops there, where, again, coinjoin is simpler. Basically, you are trying to avoid coinjoins at all costs, even if it means spending more time and effort. That doesn't seem rational to me, but your choice!
I am not against coinjoins. I use them in the past. Only that now with LN I find them just as another way for "cash-grab" from fools. So I do not use coinjoins anymore. And I know very well how to use LN with many nodes and wallets.
I find them just as another way for "cash-grab" from fools.
By running JoinMarket yield generator, you can earn fees from participating in coinjoins, instead of paying them.
yield generator
that's fiat mentality. I'll pass
Why? You provide useful service and get small fee in reward. Same way as LN routing nodes earn fees for providing routing.