Interesting that he called when the price is depressed. We have seen significant inflows to the etf the past couple days. It seems some tradfi buyers were on the sidelines during the run up to 74k and thought they missed the boat are now interested in buying the dip. If this is the case, this is a big shift of mainstream thinking. Previously when bitcoin had huge drops they would assume it is dead and think "thank god I didn't guy in to that mess".
You know, it reinforces to me that you might actually do some good talking about bitcoin even if you are met with derision. He knew I had been interested in it for years. He probably also noticed how the price had gone up during that time, and FOMO might have kicked in.
I think ultimately there will be two paths. The naysayers who will just become bitter and resent you for being right all these years and those that realize they missed something. Hopefully the latter category is larger.
I emphasized that he's not too late. The fiat price seems so high to first time buyers.