That is dumb and pushing people back to fiat and debt. NEVER GO BACK TO DEBT!
Debt can be useful sometimes. Fiat debt good, Bitcoin debt bad. Ok, fiat debt, if you know what you are doing, not all fiat debt, of course.
Lendasat is a bitcoin only product.
"A tool is only as good as the person using it"
We already know that bitcoin is limited. The whole point of lending sats is broken in Bitcoinlandia because in the end one part will be in debt or totally rekt, but not forever.
Bitcoin brings a total change: it's a savings machine. For more you save, more purchasing power you will have for your saved sats. So if I want to buy more stuff, I will just save and I will spend ONLY when is really needed.
Your system is broken because is based on a fiat mindset, on pure endless consumption, putting the user in forever debt.