I guess hard forks aren't really happening like they used to. The block size wars had a long term impact on all other ideas...
but hypothetically: what SHOULD I do in a hardfork situation. Like maybe a fork that bans ordinals or adds op codes for more ordinals or other stuff; op codes for L2 ideas; Bitcoin on POS etc etc just any possible shitcoin idea. I see the following options:
  • Sell the new shitcoins. It's free money and would be wasted if I kept it. Who doesn't like free money
  • Keep the shitcoins. Unnecessary risk to my privacy or maybe even security of my keys
  • Wait and see. When the dust has settled 2 years later I do the same as other outspoken Bitcoiners do. Maybe the shitcoins have lost a lot of value until then
A big lesson that I learned from the blocksize war: be prepared to dump all the new created coins for more BTC 😂😂😂. Do it in the early days so you will get a good ratio, because for more you wait, less you will get.
A new fork is a great opportunity to double your stash.
Second lesson is: be ready and know well how to move away from all your old wallets in case you claim all the new wallet addresses. It could get messy and leaked your private keys, so is better to do a full migration of all your stash to new wallets after the claim.
I am waiting for any fork, let it happen, gladly doubling my stash again. But I doubt it.
How/where do you find out there is a fork to sell?
Some shitcoins are still increasing after been here for 5+ years. What's your take about them?
Sell the new shitcoins. It's free money and would be wasted if I kept it. Who doesn't like free money
It's the best option. I've been doing the same and never regretted.
Lol satoshi should have some major bch bags, wonder why he isn't dumping :P
If its my cold storage phrase I think i'd pass or maybe move my owns first and then cook that phrase claiming those shitcoins, but if its a few hot wallets I had that qualify sure, I am happy to dump asap
Hard forks are good earning opportunity. But I've never tried one. Now I think I should.
Hard fork! I would enjoy them and if I step foot in one of them, I'll be taking them back to Bitcoin.
Dump the new shitcoin
What if your future wallet doesn't support the fork of the shitcoin, how do you receive those newly created coins?
Import your seed phrase into a wallet that does support the newly forked coins.