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Here it is synchronized and with some other angles.
Thanks for sharing.
Why wouldn't people call the security when they could easily suspect?
I think they might have taken him for another security personnel.
Civilians notifying the police is a massive sign of failure.
Even then they should have notified...
I think some might have thought that but the video here makes it more clear that some start yelling to notify the police.
Then, the police must be held responsible for ignoring the yelling..
hahahahaha! That will be the day.
The Secret Service and any law enforcement who is pressed on failure will ask for more money. This is how government works. Conservatives have a blind spot when it comes to government police. Every other government agency is full of waste fraud and abuse but not the military or police.
Yes, government have big fat mouths and bellies..
People wanted to enjoy the show. Or what?
I only want one answer from someone why would he attempt an assassination on Trump?
why does anyone decide to take up arms and shoot anyone?
This was my reaction.
He might be the boyfriend of Trump's daughter and Trump might have just insulted him...
The constant 1:1 comparison to Hitler might do it. Here's actress Lea "If this was 1940 you'd take him out" DeLaria This was 11 days ago.
The lack of attention to detail seems quite curious. Since he is going to lie down there, where everyone can see him, I suppose that was also part of him feeling more nervous than normal and missing the shot, without adding all the other actions that we have seen on the internet that lead to that moment that was turning his head slightly so that the shot only passed close to his ear. Living in the era where we can indirectly witness these issues thanks to social media and the internet is totally amazing.
It's really stunning. I'm wondering if the stage was supposed to be set up without there being a line-of-sight from that rooftop. Some of the diagrams going around make it look like there was only a narrow gap of visibility.
I saw a BBC aerial that showed trees blocking at least one sniper's line of sight of the shooter.
At best this was terrible planning.
im not mentally prepared for what videos will be deep fakes and are real, or even just marginally manipulated. not necessarily faking an event but the videos that follow,an event. im not ready . i think this video is real.
Um why didn’t the secret service have some drones in the sky?
Others have probably been saying this but last night it occurred to me that they could have used a drone to monitor the area. Our Sheriff department does this routinely at large public events. Why on earth would the Secret Service not do this.
Aerial surveillance is standard operations procedure until it isn’t
Secret service A-team is probably assigned to President & VP
B-team goes to First family (guessing)
This team is C-team, or recruits, or something far from the level of sophistication provided to current president
Regardless of that, these agencies like the SS exist beyond individual administrations. They are what is now referred to as the deep state. They have their own agendas. They are full of career people. The likely protect their own agency rep as well as each other.
I don't hear this angle talked about a lot with all the focus on Biden v Trump. There are likely many factors but I am sure the SS will be looking out for the SS as this is investigated.