here is my current surface-level understanding of our body, from the common-sense perspective.
we are electrically-charged creations. the heart is a electrical generative unit - it all starts in the "sinoatrial node" and electrical signals then spread thru purkinje fibers, into cardiac muscle, which contract like a towel getting wrung. blood flows. there are feedback loops thru the autonomic nervous system to the brain (an electrical processing unit), and back to the muscles of the skeleton, guts, and the heart (electrical action units). generation - processing- action
because we are all one with other creations and the created universe, we need to maintain feedback loops outside of ourselves. shake people's hands, pet animals, touch the ground. go further - get a hug, cuddle with cats & make them purr, dig the toes into the ground. we can ground our electrical body through rocks and flowing water for discharge. we can also get some electrical trade going with the trees and mycelium in healthy soil, to recharge.
now, for the weight-bearing activity: i love climbing big trees and big rocks. children love them too! it's an amazing exercise. at a rock-climbing gym, i noticed that i get joint and tendon injuries more often than outdoors. it occurred to me that the variety of holds in the gym is very low - this contributes to the repetitive unbalanced stress on the body. in addition, there is air pollution from rubber and chalk. indoor air quality is usually worse than outdoors. i go to the gym mostly when it rains or when it's free.
trees and rocks offer a higher variety of holds and stimulates thought for problem-solving - both logical (left brain) and creative (right brain), with instant physical feedback. a pair of beginner climbing shoes and a chalk bag cost little. will show you bouldering locations in ur area. i often climb easy routes barefoot unless the rocks are sharp. pay attention to ur toes!
have you tried grabbing big rocks and throwing them off the cliff? there is your lifting exercise.
Even electromagnetism beings - you know when someone is looking at you. You can sense someone who has a dark mind - “bad vibes” or someone who is full of life and love. We are attracted to our vibrational level, you attract what you put in.
Do bushwalks with bare feet - you will never feel so peaceful.
Different forms of meditation will transmute energy.
Ram das talks a lot about instead of chasing a high- guaranteed to only last a short while - aim to BE high. What a wonderful world we live in, grateful to be aware of this and connect as much as possible. Thanks for this write up!
Your vision of the human body and how we should connect with it is very interesting. I love exercise although I have never tried climbing.