What Is This?

This is an experiment inspired by discussions and posts made by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to make these posts every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
This incredibly comprehensive post contains lots of information about Uruguay. It is among a handful of the most popular posts ever on SN.
This post addresses some important issues that are more relevant than ever today.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
I like this post (I'm losing my faith). Uruguay is also good.
Posts are good. 👍
Great selection! I remember the Uruguay post very well, I was already here.
The Uruguay post was definitely an SN classic. Certainly one of the most well thought out and comprehensive posts ever on SN.
Thanks @siggy47. I remember @btc_remnant's post, but I may not have actually read it.
I read the essay by user @btc_remnant
He makes a lot of good points, raises important questions, maybe too pessimistic but can you blame the guy lol
Very thought provoking
The Uraguay post is a must read!
Both of your posts are really very good.
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