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That's interesting and it makes sense.
Have you seen "JFK: The Smoking Gun"? Of all the documentaries on the multitude of theories about the assassination this one makes the most sense to me.
The TLDR is that the USSS agents went out partying the night before(this was excused because they had been working very long hours) which seems to be undisputed. One of the riflemen was so hung over he wasn't able to fulfill is duties and a inexperienced agent was swapped in. When the first shot rang out he accidentally fired his rifle from behind and hit JFK in the head.
Everything that followed was a coverup of this massive failure. If it were true it would explain a lot and we know that these agencies first and foremost goal is self preservation.
I'm not convinced but it seems very plausible as a theory of the events.
Thanks for the recommendation
I will look for it!
Regarding reasons for turnover: Burnout High pressure Declining morale
They usually leave for other jobs in law enforcement
That makes sense.