Not sure if it was malice or incompetence but clearly they didn’t send the A team to cover Trump.
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Just watched a former Navy Seal share his thoughts and he confirmed a couple things I thought the other day.
  1. There was a failure in the planning outside of the actual execution of protection
  2. They should/could have used aerial surveillance with drones or choppers.
He was pretty brutal in his criticism. I think many of us that have had at least a little bit of training with firearms could see many of the flaws but I suspect we will start hearing from more and more actual experts in security.
Before this interview I didn't realize that Seals get assigned to protection detachments in different situations. I have a friend that was a Marine sniper. I'm curious what his thoughts are on all this. I suspect I know.
I have seen a couple expert interviews as well. They all seem to come to the same conclusions this guy did.