I really love stacker.news. I think it is really something special and I believe in it long term. I love the incentive. I love the community. And I want to be part of it. This is why I founded a territory.
When I first started, I was quite focused understanding where it is all going. I wanted to figure out how I may get back what I put into it. How it may pay for itself eventually. Whether or not to pay for a lifetime. These questions were a struggle.
I started with a fee of 21, then I went to 44, and then 88. I thought there should be some bar for entry to keep out spam. Now I am thinking that it is okay because that stuff automatically gets pushed to the bottom if no one cares about it. So why not make the bar for entry incredibly low so I can hear from all of you. I want alter_native to be for everyone about anything. OPEN.
I believe my best bet to earn sats here is through sharing and engaging. And I think it is great here. That is enough for me to want to maintain alter_native. And I mine a little bitcoin every month with free sunlight. Why not some here... Just because I want to.
So I am lowering the fee to 1 sat. We will see how it goes.
What do you think? Is spam going to be a problem? Should I be looking to make my costs back in fees? What's the best way to run a territory?
Thanks for reading. 💚
Please give us updates as you learn from your experiment. I run my territories along the same lines, and for the same reasons, but my fees are nowhere near as low as you are planning. We're all still learning here. I tend to think building a community will be easier with lower fees, as you suggest, but we're all just guessing at this point.
Territory can change fees at the beginning of each month?
I want to experiment with lower fees too
You can change fees at any time. Just click on the edit territory button.
I seem to have misplaced my keys 🔑 and brain 🧠
I do stuff like that at least once a day. Seriously, it's not intuitive.
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nuttall 17 Jul
If you remind people what your territory does then you will be successful.
Thank you. Yes. I feel like the more I engage there, the contributions tend more towards what I had envisioned It to be about.
24 sats \ 0 replies \ @NRS 17 Jul
Oh that would be great
You're working to make this place inclusive for all communities, which is a step in the right direction and opens up more room for creativity. You're awesome fren. I think few people think like you do.
Thank you
I don't think spam will be a problem. However, in my view 1 sat might be too low.
1 or 2 sats for comments, and 10 or 20 sats for new posts/links seems reasonable for a cheap territory that is more concerned with user participation than making a profit.
Great experiment. Hope it goes well.
Where have you been for so many days?
SN were missing you a lot!
Now to your question. Lowering fees to 1 Sat isn't a good solution IMO. If you're doing this as an experiment or temporarily, it's alright. The best way to run a territory is better involvement. You need to make yours and your territory's presence felt everyday.
Your territory is really amazing and I can see a lot of promising content being posted everyday but to make it popular, you just, as I said, need to motivate more Stackers post there. You can do it, may be, by running a weekly top post competition or it may be a newsletter. I mean as a territory owner, you need to understand your obligations as well. Obligations such as posting and commenting more often and zapping good content.
I have been very busy on our new property. I have big plans here. Now I am a little more settled and I hope to spend more time on stacker as well as other things I enjoy. It has been work work work for the last couple months. Thanks for the kind words and advice. 💚
I Can't say if it's a good move or not. I'm not a territory owner. But I like your territory. It's like loving two opposite poles similarly. ~alter_native is like it.
I applaud your beneficence.
Hopefully, it works out. None of us would blame you for wanting to offset your costs to some degree. Keep in mind that charging 5 or 10 sats might not deter anyone from posting, but will increase your revenue 5 or 10x.
That's a good point. I might do that.
I have posted first time in your territory.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @BTCFC 17 Jul
Regardless of the outcome of your experiment I am very grateful for you creating this territory and I will always be a supporter of it! Thank you!