Hey Mary, just wanted to let you know about satbattle.com
We launched recently, and hope to grow your list of games :).
Our platform is 100% lightning powered.
Thank you so much for telling me about SatBattle! I'll add the games there to my list. I might play some of the games on my Twitch channel as well.
That would be awesome! Hope you like it.
I think I'm already addicted to Wall to Wall 😂 Do you plan to have the games in an app someday?
We're considering it but it's a bit tough to have multiple games in a single app.
Did you try the website on your phone?
Your app doesn’t load on my iPhone - just a white screen. You should add an ErrorBoundary component to catch critical errors.
Should be fixed now
Hey thanks for letting me know. It seems to be not working at the moment for ios or macos safari.