In this clip with Bongino (former Secret Service) + Tucker + Don Jr....they say that the roof where the sniper shot from was supposed to have an agent positioned on it, but the agent never showed up that day.
The story keeps getting weirder....
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I hadn't heard that yet. The story seems to keep changing. They've also said that the agents were inside the building because the roof was dangerously sloped.
I have heard former Secret Service say that Trump should not have been allowed out of the car until someone confirmed that everything like that roof was secured.
the roof was dangerously sloped.
Yes, Bongino makes the point that this is reason for nonsensical excuses of "roof too sloped" that they are covering up for the missing agent.....and also dovetails with the confusing reports that "agents were inside the building". Basically they are doing the old routine of throwing out so much conflicting and overlapping info to muddy the water.
Another bit of weirdness is that they originally reported that "suspicious van with arizona plates that had explosives" was linked to shooter.
Now they say shooter was in Hyundai what happened to the van? Was that not linked to shooter? who owns the van? (note: typically car rental plates are from AZ because of the low fees and ease of out-of-state registration).
Right. Why was it believed to be the suspect's if it wasn't? And, more importantly, if it wasn't the suspect's van, then whose van was full of explosives and why?
Maybe 1 person drove 2 2 planes knocked down 3 buildings?