Thanks for the reference!
My question precisely refers to the basic MPP part
The receiver does this by offering the basic_mpp feature in the invoice. The sender can now use multiple payments to pay the invoice. It should try to use diverse paths to the receiver, to increase the chances of success. The receiver, upon receiving the first HTLC out of the set, waits for at least 60 seconds for the other HTLCs from that set. If it receives them all, it reveals the pre-image to collect all of them. If it doesn't receive all HTLCs in time, it fails all HTLCs it did receive.
Where specifically I'm focused on
It should try to use diverse paths to the receiver, to increase the chances of success
It's not clear to me if using different paths is done simply to maximise the probability of success or also because it's not possible to have two HTLCs going through the same channel if the first is not settled yet.
More paths means smaller value HTLCs. Payment success probability is higher with smaller payments. LN channels can hold hundreds of "in-flight" HTLCs simultaneously.
LN channels can hold hundreds of "in-flight" HTLCs simultaneously
THIS! Can you point to some resources explaining that? this was the point of the question really