the answer is always the hard cold scheme that drives the compass
People do need to be made aware of the incentive structure, though. That's the point of these posts. I know it's in the faq, but that doesn't resonate with everyone, so I occasionally try a different angle on conveying the point to people.
Oh I'm not saying you shouldn't! On the contrary, you're underscoring what's clearly a failure in the scheme that must be corrected. That goes even beyond schooling people, it's a more fundamental error. And thank you for bringing it up
The message for new people is intentionally vague to avoid having people try to game the system: creating and zapping good content will earn you rewards, as will referring new users.
I think that's smart, but you're right that it needs to somehow also be more obvious what that actually means and the scheme itself can always be improved.
Exactly 👌👌