Thank you for this question.
Before I answer I would like to ask “what if this world is NOT a fragment of our imagination and all of this is real?”
How come we became suspicious and say “are there other realities?”. To be honest so far we have no solid evidence of other realities, just theories. So it is not even a real issue that matters your life.
You will eat when you become hungry (or not hungry). You will sleep when you feel asleep. Your problems will remain the same. Your challenges will be the same.
So even if you learn that this thing we called “Earth or Universe” is a figment of our imaginations this information might not even help you. Because -somehow I don’t know- we are here and this is what it is.
Actually it all boils down to thinking about the things that we don’t know. Maybe it is real maybe not. In each case I need to go to work :(