Apparently, Vitalik Buterin warns against backing Trump just because he's going more pro-bitcoin or pro-crypto. The gist is that it will encourage politicians to say they're "pro-crypto" just to get support and donations. My immediate thoughts...
  1. It's all about votes for policies. Even if the candidate doesn't believe in bitcoin or have a clue, what matters is their policies and votes while in office.
  2. A "pro-bitcoin" chipmunk-in-a-suit who votes pro-bitcoin policies is a good chipmunk.
  3. Welcome to politics, Vitalik. This ain't new.
What are you supposed to base that decision on, if not the signals being sent by the candidates?
At least some of them aren't actively antagonistic towards us. Oftentimes, that's the best you're going to get.
Exactly. Expressions like the ones of Vitalik are nothing but a reflect of a profound lack of understanding on market laws in the most abstract sense, and of the Overton Window regarding specifically to politics. Politicians are nothing but a type of marketeers like any other, and will sell you exactly what you ask for. Conversely, successful politicians will only do what's politically profitable, and that's a good thing, not a bad thing at all. We are seeing that here in real time: many former socialist politicians turned to more libertarian speeches for it's now politically profitable. Politicians are the most armless branch of the state. The true danger are bureaucrats, the silent, faceless ones that do not depend on (nor care about) people's approval but solely on socialist parasitical schemes.
Right this is politics, saying whatever you can to garner more votes.
If they can't say that they want to replace dollar with Bitcoin, I don't believe them.
Vitalik does not like Trump for a few reasons. One is he worried Trump will push for a ceasefire in Ukraine
I don't really think so. He is a full blown techie, I would expect from him nothing but this kind of flawed stances.