Was browsing through the photos on my phone when I saw this. My student had written the following note to me, trying to make me happy by demonstrating what I had taught her class.
In primary school, students learn about five systems in the human body. Remembering all five can be a Herculean task for students who have poor working memory, so I came up with an acronym that combines all five systems.
McDonald’s Really Shiok
M: Muscular C: Circulatory D: Digestive R: Respiratory S: Skeletal
Shiok is Singlish for delicious. Yes, sometimes employing a vernacular term works for young, impressionable minds because they have used it from a young age.
I have other acronyms too. They are bolded. Through them, you can get a rough sensing of the things we focus on in our primary school Science curriculum.
  • Characteristics of Living Things (Mr Grad: Move, Reproduce, Grow, Respond, Air, food and water, Die)
  • Animals: MR FIBA (Mammal, Reptile, Fish, Insect,Bird, Amphibian)
  • Properties of Materials: Sweet Water= FAT (strength, waterproof, flexibility, ability to float or sink and transparency)
  • Germination: WOW (water, oxygen, warmth)
  • Overcrowding of Plants: SMS ‘W’ (sunlight, minerals, space and water)
  • Photosynthesis: Chinese Women Like Sweet Oranges (Carbon Dioxide, Water, Light, Suga, Oxygen)
  • Water Cycle: WCLCW (Water vapour contacts / cooler surface / Loses heat and / Condenses into / Water droplets.
  • Rate of Evaporation: The Expensive Silly White Horse ( Temperature, Exposed Surface area, Wind, Humidity)
  • Forces: GFEM (Good Friends Eat McDonald’s): Gravitational, frictional, elastic spring and magnetic
  • Pressure=force/area Pay for A
  • Gravitational potential energy= mgh mama go home
  • Kinetic energy=1/2 mv^2 half my veins squared
Hope you find this post amusing and informative. LOL
I've got a crazy one for you, curtesy of Community:
  • Kingdom
  • Phylum
  • Cordota
  • Order
  • Genus
  • Species
Here's the pneumonic device: "Kevin Please Come Over For Gay Sex"
I'll wager you'll never forget it.
This is it. I’m 1% better today than yesterday because of this mnemonic!
I presume that you won’t be allowed to teach that to your students.
Spacey approves
Our structural calculus teacher once summed up the equation for shear stress in flexed beams as "What do you Know you Ignorant Donkey" (Que Sabe Burro Ignorante)
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