• Protectionism: Trump wants to redouble his efforts and increase tariffs as he did before Biden in his trade war with China, then Biden not only did not change it but intensified it and now Trump promises to go deeper and even go against Europe as well. Protectionism here in Argentina is an old and well known, we know that it is useless and only impoverishes.
  • Weaken the dollar: It goes hand in hand with protectionism, a weak dollar encourages exports, it benefits the companies to the detriment of society that will have more inflation, in Argentina it is the classic move of the political caste. A weak dollar is good for BITCOIN.
  • Lower interest rates: Bad for the dollar, it encourages credit, investment, more inflation, good for BITCOIN.
  • Lower taxes: Good for society in general, however it is not accompanied by spending cuts so it will increase the country's deficit, this is also inflationary, good for BITCOIN.
  • Deregulation: Good for society in general, increases productivity so it is deflationary, also benefits BITCOIN as it reduces barriers and obstacles to its development.
Summary: Trump's proposals are going to benefit Bitcoin a lot although they will generate more inflation and crisis in the US economy. However Biden's alternative is even worse, so the US has no escape really.
That’s basically what he did last time, so it makes sense that he’d do it again.
The only caveat is that he might try to strengthen the dollar, just because the word “strong” appeals to him.