The U.S. is there to fund war machines around the world. Unfortunatly, the people that really get hurt behind this are those involved in the wars in these countries and the U.S. taxpayer.
this territory is moderated
WTF are you on about? Haiti isn't a war. It's a failed state. The US is funding an effort to prevent this turning into (more of) a humanitarian disaster by trying to get a reasonable police force in to enforce some kind of order.
Also, they're arguably preventing the possibility of armed conflict with neighboring Dominican Republic, a reasonably well functioning county that nutjobs in Haiti might try stealing from. (I spent a week there recently, nice place if you like beaches)
Personally I think it'd be fine (and a lot cheaper) to just help the Dominican Republic defend their border better and let Haiti collapse and the people starve. But I'm not into warm and fuzzy humanitarian missions...
Technically a UN mission according to Brave search AI
Edit: but clearly USA is leading it
Good point. Makes it even less "US finding war".
The Clinton Foundation also played a role in Haiti. They even honeymooned there:
They stole all the money earmarked for rebuilding Haiti
Here's another article about Papa Doc and his son. I used to represent asylum seekers looking to escape their horrible persecutions:
This is the right move.
Protect DR. Destroy Haiti
Use napalm