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I haven't watched the questioning of the Secret Service Director that was broadcast today. I have heard some of the highlights, or maybe I should say lowlights.
We will probably never know what really happened. We will probably never get to the bottom of things. Right now many are doing their best to figure it out. The fact we have cameras connected to the Internet in our pockets means we know far more about this event than we ever knew about previous ones.
All that said, these investigations should be interesting. Now, we should all know by now that these investigations are usually little more than opportunities for politicians to get sound bytes they can use to bolster their standing with voters. But it will be entertaining at least.
The agencies like the Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security will be trying to shift blame around. They will be protecting themselves. If you are hoping that government will investigate itself and "fix" this I have some ocean front property to sell you in Nashville this week. I only accept bitcoin btw.
I'm already tired of the clips about how this or that congressperson "destroyed" Kim Cheattle. Who cares if she got "destroyed", if she still got away with not answering any questions?
I highly highly expect Biden to force her out or fire her. The fact you had AOC, Raskin, and other Dems side and sign a letter calling for her to resign after the hearing is a clear writing-on-the-wall moment... The Biden withdrawal from the race is the only reason I think she didn't resign this weekend.
Is there anything you can share that would help make sense of all this?
Honestly... the news was more informative than the head of the Secret Service was and that was a key issue hit on by Members from both sides. The head would claim she couldn't share but they would point out her office had already talked about it to news stations.... I will dig around more tomorrow but there just doesn't seem to be anything which is not normal at all.
Yup! Go ahead 3 letter agencies. Make us lose more trust in you. Reveal to us your incompetence.
They aren't a three-letter one... It was the Secret Service so the USSS
FBI is investigating?
Plus a mysterious ATF agent?
Ok, good point
Dude you need to.... when AOC is coming after you siding with the Republicans... you know you done fucked up!
“If you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.” Of course, they are scrambling to cover their own a**es.
Nothing will happen until one of them accuses her of being in on the assassination attempt, officially.
Which they won't.
So they're all complicit in my book.
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