I'm already tired of the clips about how this or that congressperson "destroyed" Kim Cheattle. Who cares if she got "destroyed", if she still got away with not answering any questions?
I highly highly expect Biden to force her out or fire her. The fact you had AOC, Raskin, and other Dems side and sign a letter calling for her to resign after the hearing is a clear writing-on-the-wall moment... The Biden withdrawal from the race is the only reason I think she didn't resign this weekend.
Is there anything you can share that would help make sense of all this?
128 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 23 Jul
Honestly... the news was more informative than the head of the Secret Service was and that was a key issue hit on by Members from both sides. The head would claim she couldn't share but they would point out her office had already talked about it to news stations.... I will dig around more tomorrow but there just doesn't seem to be anything which is not normal at all.