For those of us that see this for what it is, its kinda beautiful. We are getting a peak at how it really works. No pretense. Just naked lust for power at any cost. The truth exposed.
Solid, bottom line analysis right there.
Two actors here, both acting disingenuously: Biden clan and Dems. Biden wants to keep playing president and the Biden clan benefits. Disingenuous in that he said he pulled out for "party" and "country." If best for party, he would resign and give Harris a few months executive experience to bolster chances at winning. If best for country, he'd step down because something is wrong, something is precluding him from running again.
Dems are disingenuous because for years they said "he's fine, he's good," until the day after the debate. Then he's suddenly not. That's called dishonesty.
Summed, power is the goal. Biden served a purpose until he couldn't, then he got the rug pulled out from underneath him.
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