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I've seen people writing about wanting an "Alby invite" and saw read a note somewhere that Alby is phasing out the free tier. Two questions:
  1. Is this true?
  2. If yes, what is a good option for a new nostrich to get zappable? (And by "get zappable" I mean stupid easy.)
I already use Alby and felt it was the easiest and best way for a noob to get a signing extension AND lightning/zapping wallet. Alby is/was my recommendation for newcomers.
No, this is not true. Alby is offering a free Do-It-Yourself plan for the new self-custodial Alby Hub wallet. Only the more convenient cloud hosting option for Alby Hub costs a few sats per month. Here are more infos about Alby Hub: https://blog.getalby.com/what-is-alby-hub/
Ahh thanks! Guess I missed that one.