Huge kudos to the in-depth and well written issue here! I look forward to reading the comments to see what other people are thinking because I am honestly right in the middle about what should or should not be done. I see the pros and cons of both and maybe someone in the comments will finally hit me with a point that swings me more one way or another!
Thanks. I'm leaning towards the more minimal interventions, like unpaid anonymous sheriffs who have no extra power or pay.
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You're getting at a good point: these ideas and others could be implemented at the territory level, as well as the site level.
Maybe SN would adopt a very minimal intervention, while territories get more ambitious.
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I just hadn't thought about each territory being able to choose which of these to do.
It would be interesting to grant them some of those other powers. I don't see why they shouldn't have banishment powers or maybe something like bail, where you have to pay a fine to regain access.
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