Tip of the day

  1. Buy a burner number with sats from SMS4Stats to create a fully unknown Telegram account.
  2. Use that Telegram account to create a LNTXBOT account and LN wallet. Optional you can import it into Bluewallet or Zeus as a lndhub wallet.
  3. Buy sats anonymously from RoboSats using Tor.
  4. Receive the sats from Robosats trade into LNTXBOT wallet
  5. Swap the sats into any onchain address with the new swap feature LNTXBOT just introduce it.
Have fun, use Bitcoin and LN!
Could you explain the benefits of this process compared to:
  1. Using BlueWallet Lightning wallet for the Robosats bond
  2. Buying sats on Robosats
  3. Choose on-chain iso Lightning for Robosats payout
You can do however you want. But not every trade on robosats offer the swap or maybe you want to do an additional step. I just wanted to present another way to do it using lntxbot swaps.
Ok, thanks. Cool stuff for sure.
Thanks for all the great tips⚡️
I literally just spent half a day reading your content; One of the best hands-on and full of humor, what a gem! Wish I had found your articles when I started to run my node one year ago. Luckily a good node I have been 👀
hahaha yeah my language tone is not so nice... not everybody can handle it, but this is me. Important is the message not how I say it. Who doesn't like my tone, is their problem not mine.
Thanks for reading my guides!
yea, not everyone enjoys brutal honesty.
Looking forward to hearing more fun stuff from you ⚡️