This is correct and obvious. Although people may not see it as it slowly develops, but the implosion will seem sudden and great.
I came away from my trip to China with a strong sense that much of the growth and development was a facade. Certainly some of the places we went seemed legitimately more prosperous, but many just seemed like they slapped a metaphorical coat of paint over everything.
It's what authoritarians do!
China's policy of 1 child a couple has a great say why China won't fulfill its potential.
China now have only 20% children upto the age of 17 and it has about 40% population above 50%. The rest of the population can be regarded as working class but what will happen after 10 or 20 years from now, everyone can understand. +50% of Chinese will be above 50 years old and the decline will continue. The situation will be much like Japan and China would never get to where it aims to reach.
While some fear China’s economic and technological dominance, Johan Norberg explains how its increasing authoritarianism and move away from the free market will not only prevent China from becoming rich, but rather risks making it poor again.
China won't fulfill because it's bound in ideology of communism which is based on suppressing anyone or anything new and innovative!
Even if it does, China can’t aspire to get the same respect and acceptance worldwide, even if its economic and military power overtakes the US. A democratic US will always have ideological, political, and cultural superiority compared to a Communist China.
Of course.
Paper tiger. Everyone knows that china is killing itself from the inside. Just a matter of time before the whole world can see how bad it is.