It looks like Elon is at it again, messing with bitcoiners. I guess he is playing with X/twitter hashtags. I'll never forget his laser eyes to doge coin game, nor his embrace of the energy FUD narrative. I'm curious. Do SN stackers still put faith in this guy regarding bitcoin? He seems to retain loyal supporters no matter what.
One word: Nostr
I have very little faith in Elon, in any context.
I tried to be polite. I wanted to call him a fucking asshole, but I don't like to use profanity.
You see this with Trump, too. I don't know why it's so hard for people to have a nuanced view on people. You can be an unreliable asshole, while also being an interesting and even amusing figure.
Many people are seemingly not capable of nuance. A large number of bitcoiners fall into this category. Its a flaw.
The interwebs don't reward nuance.
SN does, though
Which is why I'm on SN and not X.
I'm glad you didn't :-)
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I agree. He makes his money by his government contacts and contracts.
I hate the worship of other men or women. It's sad.
If someone has a direct relationship with someone then that's a genuine affection but otherwise it's all based on public image (limited).
Many have an idea of a celebrity lottery where they MIGHT get something out sometime with that celebrity. It's all wishing for luck and it's dumb. Better to join a spiritual movement and sell books.
Imagine if Elon embraced Bitcoin on X and allowed zapping to the same extent that @sn does? Could have also integrated Bitcoin into charging stations for the Tesla fleet - perfect for robo-taxis....Game changer. Instead, he shitcoins, spreads fud, coddles tyrants and is an all around self-aggrandizing douche bag. All former respect lost.
I don't like Elon. He is self centred businessman.
I haven't lost faith in him yet. We can't forget all he's done for Bitcoin; I hope he doesn't become an adversary now.
He's so frustrating. He will do something I admire, like the Taibbi opening of the twitter files. Then he'll turn around and ban/shadow ban accounts he doesn't like.
Honey badger don't care. Musk is the honey badger. He does and says what he wants to, because he doesn't need to care what anyone thinks of him. Good for him.
My interest lies primarily in his actions regarding bitcoin, rather than his dealings with X.
No one is perfect. And I can't speak to Musk's overall character or intentions. But what other high profile billionaire is out there willing to talk openly against censorship and media manipulation as he is? For all his faults, I appreciate that he is calling attention to the bullshit permeating American media. I think that's a big part of why many people like him. Same thing with Trump. They're not perfect, but at least they're willing to go against the conventional narrative.
agree, let's not let perfect be the enemy of the good
We have real enemies not named Elon Musk
We can't forget all he's done for Bitcoin
Hold up... what? What did he do exactly? You mean pump the price for a period of time and then promote shitcoins and spread FUD? Is that what you are talking about?
I didn't agree with everything he did, and the positives are debatable, but he did get something done. It wasn't all bad, was it?
You are back peddling. Its not all bad no, I didn't say that. Your comment just caught me off guard. I don't agree with Saylor on MANY things but by comparison he's done something for bitcoin. Exposed people like Elon to it. Elon did damage. I know people that were starting to understand bitcoin and get off shitcoins. Elon got them to buy Doge and sell bitcoin. He behaves like a conman many times. He spreads incorrect info about bitcoin. He gets a lot of attention. He could do good but IMO he hasn't done good for bitcoin up to this point. I hope that changes.
Don't get me started on his plans for Twitter.
What happened, Elon said somthing about Bitcoin?
No, I don't know for sure. Something about changing a bitcoin hashtag symbol or emoji on X? I don't know much about X/ twitter. They were talking about it in the bitcoin conference feed.
Yes, I'm also not using X these days. But when I used to do, I always looked at Elon always trying to get in the limelight for nothing.
I think they are removing all animations associated with hashtags.
He had a chance to really do something great for Bitcoin adoption when then rolled out their ad revenue sharing model. He could have allowed users to choose to be paid in bitcoin and offered Bitcoin as a payment method for premium subscriptions but he didn’t. Now, I have a bit of a theory about that. I think using Stripe was a quid pro quo to some Wall Street/VC money guys that helped him finance the Twitter deal. Stripe investors were way offside from the last valuation.
In short, I don’t think Elon is bad for Bitcoin. He seems to have got past the FUD, but I don’t think he is good for Bitcoin either. He doesn’t seem to be willing to use his platform to advocate for Bitcoin despite commenting on how insane the deficits and debt are on occasion.
I'm torn. I respect his genius. I also like his anti establishment sentiment, though if you believe Whitney Webb he's been coopted by the dark forces.
Yeah I believe so too.
The "send 0.1 Bitcoin and we will return twice that" videos?
Its kinda impressive that spoofed videos like that can be gotten by imbecile scammers on the fly more or less...
I don't believe Elon for anything! He's the smartest businessman and I doubt if he would ever imagine beyond his and only his profits!
Never put any faith in this dude. I did take his word more seriously before his nonsense around bitcoin and doge. That was the last straw. He's a smart dude but extremely untrustworthy. He at times will say things that align with my thoughts but I always take it with a grain of salt.
He's a suit. For a long time I've just had a mistrust of suits. I used to think it was due to my blue collar background and maybe it was unfair. In recent months I've began to see, nah. Its a good instinct. I just distrust suits by default. I'm open to them earning my trust but that bar is high.
Oh the power of having a memory @siggy47. lol
Isn't it funny how little effort it takes to not be average? Still blows my mind sometimes.
Do SN stackers still put faith in this guy regarding bitcoin?
I do not. He's a very smart guy, but he's also a troll, so I don't really treat much of anything he has to say with much credibility.
85 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 26 Jul
He's just another node in the network....
74 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 26 Jul
What's he done now?
He seems to do a lot of things on a whim. Things work out for him, but eventually they wont.
Elon its bitcoin ignorant, Due to the fact that he was with carbon taxes, he is one of those who will ignore bitcoin until the end and will understand it when it is worth a lot, we can add Peter Shift to him
He’s all over the place. Selling Tesla phones?
64 sats \ 0 replies \ @clr 26 Jul
When is he going to introduce the logo for #ketamine ? Funny that I used to admire him because of his (partly real, partly apparent) achievements, how wrong was I. Now I see him more as a drug addict fiat fraud mirage.
I don’t trust him at all, not even slightly. He has the ability to sense who the movers and shakers are and to say the sorts of things they want to hear. But behind the facade I don’t believe he has any integrity and will throw anyone under the bus as soon as it suits him.
Lyn Alden wrote a long note on Nostr about Elon Musk maybe a year ago. I can't find it now, but it was very negative, that he was a grifter trying to capitalize on the freedom community without really helping it. She intentionally didn't post it on Twitter.
He has his motives. I don’t care. Tesla still holds Bitcoin
Always thought him and other rich FUDers are mum on bitcoin so they can stack on the cheap without the price spikes.
Closet bitcoiners.
I can't stand the guy. He's capricious, arrogant, and gives every indication of being utterly untrustworthy possible to the point of being a psychopath.
Lol who isn't toying with Bitcoin at the moment, trump, rfk, kamala, fink, they all trying to tether themselves to it
You're right. I assume the tether reference was "no pun intended" ? 😀
Lol guilty
Just leave X for good... Let it die.
I did just that long before they called it X
What musk did now
The guy is simultaneously running an EV company and donating millions to a politician that wants to ban EVs
Is he a hypocrite? Or spineless? I don't know. Maybe he's just too shallow to have any consistent opinions at all. I wouldn't read too much into his stance on Bitcoin either.
When did Trump say he wants to ban ev’s?
Trump doesn't want to ban EV's
@tomlaies is making stuff about Trump. His emotions are clouding his judgement
Self tipping on 2 week old posts that nobody else is watching again?
Kinda pathetic of you that I live rent free in your head - without having actually said much at all lmao
What you mean self tipping I tipped him
Stop spreading lies
It’s a disservice to the SN community
In fact, Trump now supports EV's for a small 'slice' of the population
Elon is interviewing Trump on Monday
Elon is just another self obsessed billionaire who takes a lot of pride in controlling others!
Who gives 1 sat only? I've listened Stackers giving 1 sat before downzapping! Is that so?
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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