He faked his death due to not eating his penis.
I love his "why Bitcoin is going to 0" it's a great video, super interesting perspective.
What many people don't understand about McAfee is that he always was a opinion manipulator and a veracious trader of many things. For sure he have more BTC than many can imagine. He was moving losers into shitcoins so he can stack more BTC meanwile. This simple fact many shitcoiners do not understand: your are going manipulated into shitcoinery instead of stacking sats.
McAfee was deep into Bitcoin from 2010-2011 when he was not even talking about so much, accumulating a lot of BTC.
Haha yes, he is first and foremost an entertainer/ genius manipulator. Don't ever let anyone convince you to trade sats for shit, especially people who have been deep into bitcoin for years. He opened my eyes to the theoretical lack of privacy which could be considered bitcoins' most significant valid criticism. Even people like Szabo see privacy a weakness. I hope the new work on fedcoin might mitigate this.
Banks aren't buying or building onboarding ramps to Monero.
McAfee is pulling some dumb lines in this video.
I love the speculation around McAfee, it's just very entertaining drama. The story is wild.
I was saying this from the moment his "death" was announced. Same as M. Popescu "death"...