This cant hurt in any way. I wonder if they will do any experimental mining?
Expiremental how?
I dont think they will buy many rigs to mine bitcoin. So they will probably buy one and use it to run experiments on how much it can make based on power used.
Depending on the perspective you see, this is good news... because this way more eyes and more understanding will continue to open... and society can truly understand what Bitcoin or Cryptoeconomics is... and once and for all leave the fiduciary system that only suits governments to steal our money without us realizing it... now the other point of view is that if they start teaching about Bitcoin but with the idea of ​​implying that it is not real or that it is not suitable for the future as a hard and true asset... that would be bad...
Seize the means of influence.
He created it, but what is it needed for? Usually, institutions only spoil everything and do not improve anything!
Love this. Wyoming has been forging ahead of the other states bitcoinwise for years now. It takes one or two crazies to get things moving. We've all seen it, but it's a good one...guy starts a dance party:
Here's hoping.