If something like Trump speaking at the largest bitcoin conference didn't happen this year it would have happened at some point in the future. Maybe a different guy but it was bound to happen. Just like the ETFs were bound to happen.
I swear some of the takes on this stuff show a serious lack of critical thinking. A narrow focus on one's own beliefs without considering the society we live in.
As bitcoin rises in market price it attracts more people. Most people are statists. Those that hold bitcoin have more wealth an with wealth comes influence. These things attract politicians. Politicians seek the support of those with power and money. We know we don't need the state or politicians but that will not stop what is happening.
See it for what it is. The new phase of bitcoin's slow takeover of everything. It isn't gonna be neat and clean and ideologically pure.
All that said. I'm not changing what I'm doing or what I believe but my head is not in the sand. Not gonna waste time being mad at statists for being what they are.
Most excellent point!
A narrow focus on one's own beliefs without considering the society we live in.