Things I want to see:
  • Muun type Liquid Wallet
    • Interoperable with L1 and LN. Allow users to have self custody, low fees and confidential transactions. Great for users in countries where stablecoins are a must (native tether support)
  • Bitcoin Defi Wallet
    • Make RSK more relevant as this chain is mergemined and contributes to the miners security fee. Soveryn is a great first step.
  • Bitcoin NFTs
    • Seeing Ross doing an NFT in Ethereum was a disgrace and a wakeup call to the bitcoin community. Already some examples on Raretoshi (Liquid) and Watafan (RSK) but they are lacking in UX. Those chains also lack a proper liquid or rsk mobile wallet.
  • Community Funding
    • Lets call it BBC (Bitcoin Backed Crowdfunding) or BFC (Bitcoin Funding Community). Seeing OG bitcoiners like Jimmy Song do crowdfunding on kickstarter feels wrong to me. Monero has a great Crowdfunding and Bounties system ( and )
  • Merchant wallets that accepts Lightning but settles on RSK or Liquid
    • Why? Because that way merchants can non-custodially atomic swap into stablecoins. For some folks in latam or other parts of the world this is really important. Plus doing it on RSK increases the miners security fee
  • Signal Fork for bitcoiners
    • The guys from Monero are creating Molly and this could prove to be a problem in the future. We don't want to be the only major chain without a major messaging platform.
  • HodlHodl lending platform that doesn't liquidate on price drops
    • Bitcoiners understand volatility. Let users repay debt without automatic liquidations.
  • SatoSwap
    • A bitcoin only swap service that lets you move sats between the different chains (L1, Lightning, Liquid, RSK)
Please give me some feedback on this ideas!
Bitcoin NFTs:
Community Funding:
Intra-Layer Exchange (You labeled "SatoSwap")
  • I just tried that was great
  • Boltz lacks Liquid and RSK
  • I hope Diba PoC works. I can't wrap my mind around lightning RGB for nfts. They kinda need to live in a shared global database (aka blockchain) in my mind.
Interop with stable coins seems to be gaining a lot of attention as some emerging markets are choosing them over Bitcoin. It's feels like the market is choosing stable coins for checking and bitcoin for saving.
I'm not sure how I feel about NFTs yet. The value is dependent a) on trusting the distributor and b) social consensus (some community valuing them). I think about them when I consider adding gamification badges to SN - ie when SN is decentralized, I need a registry for things like badges because badges don't seem like a great fit for a relay system.
I really like the idea of forking Signal. Harvesting all the work they're doing and creating Sphinx-like app would be awesome!
I finally got a ton of people on Signal so hoping that it’s possible to create a fork that supports Lightning and still can send/receive messages from the main app. Does anyone know whether that’s possible?
I’ve read that Signal servers won’t relay other clients so it’s not possible.
But I used Signal-cli which is Java client, essentially a fork, so I think it could work?
I'm not sure but if Signal has bots, maybe something like the lightning telegram bot can be built on Signal and then you don't need a fork.
I suspect Signal relays are open source too, so while you might not be able to use their relays, perhaps you can host your own.
Signal Fork for bitcoiners
I think Sphinx chat is sort of already that. Granted, they are trying to be everything (social media, patreon, marketplace, messaging) and their marketing is confusing because of that. But it is pretty cool that the messages themselves are sent through the lightning network (not just payments).
Wow. I just learned about Signal+MobileCoin. Thanks to your comment.
We definitely need Signal integration with Lightning.