If you want to predict the future, understanding history is perhaps the most important thing you can do.
Understanding the early internet, internet phases (so called web1 and web2), protocol and standards competitions (browser wars), the early PC and operating system wars will prove incredibly useful for people building and investing in the space.
History rhymes. One way to invent the future is to look for really clever rhymes.
Yep. Agree that Inventing internet is a great book on the topic, not just technical stuff but also all the forces that caused internet: very complex and hard to predict the outcome. Reminded me of Blocksize wars a bit, also fantastic book.
Inventing the Internet (Inside Technology) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0262511150
The Blocksize War: The battle over who controls Bitcoin’s protocol rules https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08YQMC2WM