Manhood in the Making

Aside from this notion of fecundity, there are other aspects that need discussion here. Most striking is a powerful belief that masculinity is an artificially induced status, that it is achievable only through testing and careful instruction. Real men do not simply emerge naturally over time like butterflies from boyish cocoons; they must be assiduously coaxed from their juvenescent shells, shaped and nurtured, counseled and prodded into manhood.
The real man gains renown by standing between his family and destruction, absorbing the blows of fate with equanimity.
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The real man gains renown by standing between his family and destruction
Love it!
Ohh! Just forgot to mention that it's a great book about Masculinity by David D. Gilmore.
There are many extracts which you gonna love. It's my testament to learn masculinity.
On the list it goes! That 2nd quote is 🔥🔥🔥 Thanks for sharing!