The yacht I had worked on for the last few weeks recently went in the water, with my department having finished all our work on valves, pipes, and sea-chests/strainers. Other than a quick check first thing in the morning, to check for leaks, we left the vesel and spent the rest of the day checking cooling towers for proper running. One didn't have proper pressure, and we noticed that the sprinkler didn't spin while spitting water. (as it should) Upon further inspection we discovered one sprinkler tube end broke off, allowing the air intrusion which dropped pressure. My partner quickly fashioned a new cap, but the piece stuck out more than the original, causing it to hit the inner wall of the tower, preventing spinning. He pulled out a 90 degree die grinder, attached a sanding disk, and took it down enough to allow spinning to resume. The system held pressure. The highlight of my day. Checking for leaks and fixing a cooling tower.
Oooo, I suppressed it from my memory, but this reminded me. I crawled very uncomfortably into the bilge under the yacht engine to tighten the cap on an electrified anti-fowling system by a company called Cathelco. FUN!
But if you're rich, maybe you want to buy Motor Yacht NAMASTE? :)