This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
The yacht I had worked on for the last few weeks recently went in the water, with my department having finished all our work on valves, pipes, and sea-chests/strainers. Other than a quick check first thing in the morning, to check for leaks, we left the vesel and spent the rest of the day checking cooling towers for proper running. One didn't have proper pressure, and we noticed that the sprinkler didn't spin while spitting water. (as it should) Upon further inspection we discovered one sprinkler tube end broke off, allowing the air intrusion which dropped pressure. My partner quickly fashioned a new cap, but the piece stuck out more than the original, causing it to hit the inner wall of the tower, preventing spinning. He pulled out a 90 degree die grinder, attached a sanding disk, and took it down enough to allow spinning to resume. The system held pressure. The highlight of my day. Checking for leaks and fixing a cooling tower.
Oooo, I suppressed it from my memory, but this reminded me. I crawled very uncomfortably into the bilge under the yacht engine to tighten the cap on an electrified anti-fowling system by a company called Cathelco. FUN!
But if you're rich, maybe you want to buy Motor Yacht NAMASTE? :)
From what i gather the lightning network is a highly adversarial environment with people trying to steal your fund, jam your channel, or otherwise cause your node to be offline, while barely routing any payments or seeing any legitimate activity.
But how bad is it?
how do you gather that?
he has mad reading skillz yo
@merryoscar I keep wanting to clip segments of podcasts, but by the time the transcript is complete... I forget where I was or even which podcast I clipped! Is there a way we can have a personal feed of podcast timestamps of when we pushed "clip"?
Yes this is something we plan to add. The transcript should only take ~2mins to complete - so the easiest way to do it is hit clip when you hear something and come back 5 mins later.
Selfish mining is a thing in Bitcoin, isn't it? I saw a thread on Reddit arguing about it but I think it exists without being a bad thing or having any influence on difficulty. Or isn't it?
Selfish mining will destroy the bitcoin network in a decade because there is no tail emission.
You have no idea what you are talking about and it shows
I suspect it wouldn't have an influence on difficulty because you're not finding fewer blocks than you would without selfish mining - they just aren't revealed as early.
Tip of the day!
How to use Bisq and LN with the same BTC wallet in Electrum app.
  1. Download Bisq and create a new wallet. Or you can use a previous wallet seed created in Electrum, but be sure is bech32 format (native segwit) and restore it in Bisq.
  2. Send some BTC to this wallet to have some funds. Or if you already have some, after you restore it in Bisq you will see the balance. To trade on Bisq is necessary to have funds for the escrow reserve.
  3. If you created a new wallet in Bisq and want to import it into Electrum, the steps are the following:
  • Create a new wallet, let's name it “Bisq” to identify it easier later, when making a backup copy of this wallet.
  • Select “standard wallet” and then we select “I already have a seed“, and we begin to put word by word, or paste the whole seed. When we have finished writing all the words, check once more that everything is fine. Now we click on the “Options” button and select “BIP39 seed“. Next.
  • We leave “native segwit” selected and we are going to change the “derivation path” in: m/44’/0’/1′ (default is m / 84/0/0). This step is very important!
  • It asks us to put a password, to protect this wallet file. This password will always be used when opening the wallet and also every time a transaction is sent. Save this password in your password manager. Next.
  • We already have our wallet imported, and in a few moments, the previous transactions, made in Bisq, will appear there in the history list. From this moment, you can use this same wallet, in Bisq and in Electrum.
  1. Use the same wallet from Bisq in electrum with LN
  • Open LN channels in Electrum and start using BTC faster, cheaper and easier
  • In the menu – View – we activate to view: Addresses, Currencies, Contacts, Channels
  • We enter in the menu – Wallet – Wallet information. There we activate the “Lightning” option.
  • We select the “Channels” tab and click the “Open Channel” button. In the window that opens, we have the option to put a remote note ID (if it is a known one, store, friend etc) or we can simply give it “suggest” and Electrum searches for the next one available. We put the amount of BTC / sats that we want to put in the channel and we give it the “accept” button. Normally the minimum is 1 million sats, but you can enter how much you want or think you will spend per LN. In the next step, there is another window to confirm the tx commission and the password of your Electrum wallet.
  • Ready! When the tx is confirmed in the network (minimum 3 confirmations) you can already use these sats with LN.
Very good, from now on you already have the Bisq funds connected with LN without having to move them through another wallet.
Optional you can do swaps between Ln <->onchain directly in Electrum.
Participate in LN auction.
20 Billion Marks Emergency Money, City of Berlin, Weimar Republic
Good day SN
They ask me "how do you rhyme like that?" Just sit here for a moment, pet your cat Sing like a bird, bite like a gnat Remember what's important, stack a sat
Remember what's important, stack a sat
stack a sat with a cat :)
I am trying to understand why so many people call maxi Bitcoiners toxic.
As I did not feel this at all after lurking around here for one week now; In fact, I learned way more practical things here than in noisy Twitter or any discords 🤔
I guess speaking the truth made you less popular 😂
Because usually the maxis are very toxic when somebody just mention something about shitcoins or any other deviation from what really matter (Bitcoin). You really need to dive into deep hole of bitcoin and bitcoin memes to understand this aspect.
Also I recommend you to watch these 2 podcasts that are "toxic" and makes you understand more about this. Simply Bitcoin Pleb Underground
Something more to read: DerGigi - with great book and articles Citadel21 - best bitcoin zine with amazing articles
Thanks, I was exploring all the so-called web3 tools last year, I had fun at first, but then I realized that it did not solve my problems and kept draining my attention with the next "shining things."
And the last draw to me is the censorship in tornado cash. What a joke. Then I was back to explore Bitcoin, the only tool to stay sovereign.
I'm going to have scrotal hernia surgery. Bitcoin can't fix this ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)
Buttcoin fixes this
good luck 😂
Bit Block Boom
Y"all make sure to take some photos and videos for those who can't make it. I think videos, especially, of bitcoin transactions buying food and goodies is helping to orange pill people.